Sunday, November 4, 2007

Lots of processing and a GREAT shoot!

Okay - I just finished the wedding photos and I have four shoots up for process, so there will be loads of photos coming.

Halloween came and went, and the kids packed home a gazillion pieces of candy just waiting for me to get my grubby little hands all over them. I actually have a terrific pic of the boys before they headed out on their big trick-or-treating adventure; I'll post that soon, too.

I did a shoot today that reminded why I love to do family photography so much. The shoot was of four grown kids and their dad. I see a lot of family dynamics in my shoots, and it's so refreshing to me to know that they never change. No matter their age, siblings are always the same. And I love it. Three older sisters and their baby brother...they cut up and laughed about all things that make siblings so great. No matter what happens in a person's life, his or her sibs are the ones that experienced the same beginning to it. It was so fun and energizing to be around a family who obviously loved their dad and each other so much. I can't wait to get them on here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree about siblings. I bet you have some wonderful "story-telling" pictures to post. Where are they?