...Than to have a post dedicated to one of my heathens. Cooper, my second in the line of Thorne kids, celebrated his SEVENTH birthday on January 8th. SEVEN. I can't believe it, nor can I believe what a wonderful guy he's turning into.
Coop - I can't tell you how proud I am of the kind, thoughtful, and considerate boy you are. You wear your heart on your sleeve, and you always, without fail, put others first. You would never think of getting your own shoes from the basement without bringing up your brothers' as well. Even though they often don't acknowledge the kindness, well, maybe they do in their own bodily noise sort of way, I do, and I appreciate it. I love that you are fiercely protective of your baby sister, and that no one can make her light up like you. I still can't believe that you held her so calmly and didn't even make a loud noise when she threw up on you. In Your Mouth. You were holding her above you and she splatted you in the face with baby puke, and you quietly said, "Mom - I need a towel. Fast." Not many adults could've handled that situation the way you did.
I love your goofy grin with your chicklet front teeth, and I love how your freckles stand out on your nose when you're hot and sweaty. From the moment you entered my life seven years ago, I knew you were my special boy, and I hope it stays that way forever. I hope that we have coffee together in the mornings and that you tell me your stories for always. Your very RANDOM stories. VERY RANDOM stories.
I love you to the moon and back to infinity, Coop de Loop, and I'm so very proud to be your Mama. Happy Seventh, Birthday.